
  • Reddzit, a Reddit reader.

    Reddzit Chrome Extension


    I’ve been an avid Reddit user since 2014. In 2019, I built a web app to review saved Reddit posts and provide a clean, minimal reader preview of the post that’s saved. It was a cool little project I mostly did over Christmas break, and I was pretty excited when I got the finishing touches on including a Chrome extension. (Since then, Chrome extensions have changed their submission process. I’ve re-applied but not sure if my app will be granted without some sort of terms and privacy agreements.)

    In 2023 or so, Reddit had made some API authorization changes and, at the time, I thought it was pretty much the end of my ability to scrape Reddit pages. I had been consumed with work enough to abandoned the project. Well, I had some time recently to do some maintenance on my server and wah-lah, Reddzit is back. I do have to fix the pagination on it, however, so please don’t bark at me about it until I do (all my dozens of users). I had also faced some decisions in terms of updates to React and its associated libraries, but ultimately came to the conclusion it would require more effort than simply keeping things the same. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    Just some background on how it’s hosted:
    – React 16
    – Uses Reddit OAuth API
    – Montserrat font
    – Node / Express JS
    – Readability package (i believe this is deprecated now)
    – pm2.js for cluster management (I’ve had to occassionaly log in to the server to reboot)
    – Nginx on Digital Ocean.
    – Ubuntu 18
    – Let’s Encrypt for SSL certs (I’ve had to update the let’s encrypt certs this year and it was surprisingly easy with a cli command)

    Lesson: VHost Configuration
    sites-enabled to route /etc/hosts domains to the right directory.
    cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

  • Quickstart Guide for a React-Native (iOS), Facebook Login, and Firebase Realtime DB setup


    Install a fresh react native project:
    react-native init AwesomeProject

    Install react-native-firebase:
    npm i react-native-firebase --save

    Run to the iOS installation guide
    Add the google-services.plist
    Add Firebase import to your AppDelegate.m, along with [FIRApp configure];

    Run the Automatic Install
    react-native link react-native-firebase
    cd ios && pod update --verbose

    Note: You need to use the ios/[YOUR APP NAME].xcworkspace instead of the ios/[YOUR APP NAME].xcproj file from now on.

    Now we’re going to grab the Facebook SDK and add it to our xcworkspace file in XCode.

    Download the SDK and move it to ~/Documents/FacebookSDK

    Follow the instructions to reference the framework files to the XCode project, add the Framework Search path to the Build settings, and add the necessary XML to to the Info.plist file in your RN’s ios directory.

    After the Facebook SDK configuration is complete, try running
    react-native run-ios

    Updating XCode build paths

    If the build fails, try updating the build path settings in XCode. Go to File > Workspace Settings > Advanced and select Custom > Relative to Workspace and add a build/ prefix to each path.

    Quick tip: When running react-native run-ios with an external monitor, the Scaling will be off on the Simulator. You can hit Cmd + 1 to fix the scaling to 100%.

    Another thing that threw me off initially was with the GoogleService-Info.plist file. I originally just copied this file to my ios directory. However, you should also drag this file to your XCode project root and create a reference, otherwise the build failed.


    Once we have our initial run-ios running properly, we can start adding our React dependencies.

    • Moment: Time/date handling library
    • @shoutem/ui: Some nifty component styling shortcuts
    • react-native-linear-gradient: Required by shoutem ui
    • react native element: More UI stuff
    • react native scrollable tab view: For horizontal navigation
    • react-native-vector-icons: Lots of icons
    • react-navigation: Currently the standard for react native navigation

    npm install --save moment @shoutem/ui react-native-linear-gradient react-native-elements react-native-scrollable-tab-view react-native-vector-icons react-navigation

    At this point it’s worth running react-native link to compile any package libraries to our XCode project.

    React Native Facebook Login

    I felt the Facebook SDK was inadequate (or just lacking documentation), so I’m additionally relying on the Facebook Login component to handle my login states.

    This is a tricky topic, as the React Native community has been working out how navigation should be handled in a React Native app. React is, after all, a View layer to an application, so handling state in a component tree doesn’t readily translate into route handling.

    One tip for React Navigation, is to use lazy loading in development for TabNavigator.

    export const MainScreenNavigator = TabNavigator(
        lazy: true

    I ran into some rendering issues and an overload of requests on every refresh without enabling it.

    App Icons


    This is a part 1 of a series of tutorials for getting a React Native app up and running with Facebook login and Firebase backend.

  • Gulp + Environment Variables Setup

    I’m deciding to make a blog post because, like most things node, there’s just a plethora of options out there and I wanted something minimal and clean. Clean such that I’m taking an asynchronous task runner and making it synchronous by the only means necessary:

    gulp.task('two', ['one'], function() {
      // task 'one' is done now

    Here’s the basic formula
    * One separate config file that has attributes specific to each environment (dev, stage, prod).
    * Specify the target environment in my gulp command (ie, gulp –env dev).
    * Simple string replace mechanism. I’ve noticed the convention of using ‘@@varName‘ which I will use here.
    * Keep the variables in my ES6 js files and compile to my build directory.

    Config file: environment-config.json

        "apiUrl" : {
          "dev": "https://dev-api-url",
          "stage": "https://stage-api-url",
          "prod": "https://prod-api-url"

    In gulpfile.js

    var replace = require('gulp-replace'); // Simple string or regex replacements
    var argv = require('yargs').argv; // The contemporary library of choice for parsing command arguments (in this case flags)
    var fs = require('fs'); // Read a file
    gulp.task('replace', ['babel'], function() {
      var settings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('environment-config.json', 'utf8'));
      var env = argv.env;
      var targetApiUrl = settings.apiUrl[env] ? settings.apiUrl[env] : settings.apiUrl['prod'];
      if (targetApiUrl) {
          .pipe(replace('@@apiUrl', targetApiUrl))
          .pipe(gulp.dest(function(file) {
            return file.base;

    In this case, ‘babel’ is copying over my ES6 to my build directory along with the environment variables, when that is done, my ‘replace’ task is parsing my environment-config.json and reading the environment variables. I’m then targeting my build files (in this case, I’m only targeting app.js which is where most configuration should go for an Angular project), running my replace, and then performing a workaround that allows me to build to the same destination as my source file. Most of the tutorials I’ve seen has neglected to account for modularization of gulp tasks and assume that the source will compile to the destination and you’re done. By compiling to the same file, you’re not interfering with the other asynchronous gulp tasks that may alter the same file. Other tutorials have also asked to create a file for each environment which I think is kind of silly and overkill.

  • Yeoman Reveal.js Generator: Quick Reveal Presentations

    A while back I gave a Reveal.js presentation on how to create a Reveal.js presentation using the scaffolding tool Yeoman. It’s been pretty helpful for building quick presentations and distributing them through my github account for anyone to see and I keep going back to that presentation when I start my next one, so I thought it should be in a blog post.

    If you want to view the actual presentation, give it a whirl.

    Let’s start with the basics. Node.js comes with npm so let’s make sure we have the most up-to-date node installed on our system.


    sudo npm cache clean -f
    sudo npm install -g n
    sudo n stable
    npm -v

    Update npm

    sudo npm install npm -g


    Update yeoman

    npm install -g yo

    Update the Reveal.js Generator

    npm install -g generator-reveal

    yo yeveal | Build a new presentation

    Navigate to a new directory

    yo reveal

    Follow the instructions. Be sure to include your github account name in order to deploy your presentation to a github page.

    yo reveal:slide "Slide title" --markdown

    Boom, this builds you a new slide in your slides directory.

    No just run grunt serve to see your presentation (with live reload) in your browser:

    grunt serve
    • Grunt is a task runner
    • You can build your own tasks for things like compiling CSS.
    • Or you can rely on others’ grunt files. For Reveal’s generator, this already includes:
      • Node server
      • Autoreload
      • Lint
      • Deploy (to github in this case)

    Super handy.

    Bonus: Scaling Images on your slides

    I ran into this issue a few times when I would insert an image and it just wouldn’t scale to the slide right. I think this is very important if you’re giving a talk. To fix, just use some quick CSS magic to help you.

    <div class="big-image-container">
        <img class="big-image" src="myimage.jpg"/>

    For the container class:

    .reveal div .big-image-container {
        margin:0 auto;

    And the image class:

    .reveal img.big-image {
        margin:0 auto;
  • Twitter REST API with geocode lookup

    Recently I was given the task of building a search feature that will find all geolocations of Tweets with a keyword and/or hashtag.

    The Twitter REST API has the following limitations:

    • User must enable Location for their Tweet — This removes a lot of the sample size
    • A Tweet REST API query can only target specific geo coordinates, along with a radius
    • The Search API’s recent index only spans for the last 6-9 days

    Using my Drupal 8 Twitter module as a template, I was easily able to make this work for finding locations within the intercontinental United States.

    $params = array(
         "q" => $this->keyword,
         "count" => $this->num_results,
         "result_type" => "mixed",
         "lang" => "en",
         "geocode" => "39.8,-95.583068847656,2500km",
     $tweets = $twitter->get("search/tweets", $params);

    Basically, I’m polling for all tweets with a radius of our country starting in roughly the middle. Thanks to ThoughtFacet for the tip.

    So this is a nice workaround if you are looking for Tweets that have geolocations.

  • Log in to WordPress without admin credentials!

    I found this answer here ( and thought I’d reiterate since it may come in handy if you are developing and don’t want to deal with managing login information.

    function my_autologin() {
        if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
            $uid = 'autologinuser';
            $user = get_userdatabylogin( $uid );
            do_action('wp_login', $user_login);  // optional


  • Managing dependencies with Composer Manager


    • Drupal 8
    • Composer

    Use Case:

    • You want to add dependencies to your custom module using composer update at the root of your site directory.
    • Updating Drupal core removes any custom dependencies added to the root composer.json, potentially breaking any modules that require them.

    Quick run-down:

    First, download composer manager to your site’s modules directory and run the init.php command to register the ‘drupal-update’ command. This command is what will look through your module’s composer.json files and update the main composer.json file at your site’s docroot.

    cd mysiteroot
    drush dl composer_manager
    php modules/composer_manager/scripts/init.php
    composer drupal-update
    In your sites directory, add a composer.json file and make sure you have both the name and requirements:
      "name": "drupal/mymodule",
      "require": {
        "mailchimp/mailchimp": "2.0.6"

    Now, run composer drupal-update again and you should see your dependencies in the vendor directory.

    See also:

  • Drupal 8 Console: Building a Twitter feed module

    I took this tutorial, Tutorial for Converting a Module from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, and worked my way through it but used Drupal Console for many of the scaffolding, which makes things a lot easier. So thanks to Unleashed Technologies for the bulk of the work.

    In your Drupal 8 root, generate a custom module:

    drupal generate:module

    This will prompt you for details about the module and build an info and module file.

    Our first step will be to create a settings page that will have a form for our Twitter API Oauth credentials. You’ll need to create an application in your twitter developer console. Create a new app. If you want to use this for local testing, use ‘‘ for the URL.

    Now, we’ll create a new form:

    drupal generate:form:config

    This will build out your form class, your input fields, and update your router file. Your settings page is built, however, we also need to build a menu link for it to live, and we do this in a YAML file!

    Add {yourmodule} to the root of your module directory.

      title: 'Twitter settings'
      description: 'Twitter settings for your site'
      parent: system.admin_config_services
      route_name: twitter_pull.twitter_settings_form
      weight: 100

    Now if you navigate to /admin/config/, you’ll see your new Twitter Settings link under the Web Services menu.

    From here, you have options: Where do you want your Twitter feed to display. For this example, I’m building a block.

    drupal generate:plugin:block --module=twitter_pull

    Add the block class name, and any input fields you may wish to include and generate the plugin.

    Now you have the luxury of OOP at your disclosure to pull in your Twitter feed and spit it out to a Twig template for rendering.

    Loading your configuration is as easy as:

    $config = \Drupal::config('twitter_pull.twittersettings_config');

    Just pull in your form id into Drupal’s config method and you have access to your settings. At the top of our block file, we’ll autoload the Twitter OAuth PHP library, but first we have to install that library.

    One option here is to add our own composer.json file to our module, declare a dependency for a Twitter OAuth library, and then use Composer Manager to compile our dependencies to our composer.json at root. I’ll save this for another post, but for now, I’ll simply include the Twitter OAuth library at our root composer.json manually.

    "require": {
      "composer/installers": "^1.0.21",
      "wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin": "^1.3.0",
      "abraham/twitteroauth": "^0.6.1"

    Be sure to run composer update at your docroot after making this edit. Also note that if you update Drupal, it will override this file and your dependency declaration will be lost, hence the need for Composer Manager. Then we can autoload the library in our block file.

    You can download my example here. OOP is your oyster.

  • Htaccess: Backreferences and multiple conditions and rules

    Two rules I want to highlight today:

    1. Only the variables from the last-matched RewriteCond are available as back-references. 1)
    2. Conditions only apply to the very next rule. You’ll need to repeat the condition in order for it to apply to another rule. 2)

    This came in handy when I was testing out the following rules for a Drupal htaccess. Basically, I wanted all the admin pages to be routed to the .com English version of the site. If the editor tried logging into, they would route to In the first example, I don’t have access to the HTTP_HOST backreference. It doesn’t matter in this case because i’m defining it in the rule. In the second and third rules, I’m repeating the condition so I can access the same back reference for two different rules.

        #keep admin pages on .com instance (uk only for now) (PROD)
        RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*\.)?$ [NC]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(uk)/(user|admin)/?(.*)? [NC]
        RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L,NC]
        #keep admin pages on .com instance (uk only for now) (DEV / STAGE)
        RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(dev|stg).example.(|de|fr|nl)$ [NC]
        RewriteRule ^uk/user/?(.*)?$1 [R=301,L,NC]
        RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(dev|stg).example.(|de|fr|nl)$ [NC]
        RewriteRule ^uk/admin/?(.*)?$1 [R=301,L,NC]

    References   [ + ]

  • A quick glance at Backbone.js: Todo MVC

    I had been on and off with Backbone for some time but had finally come around to getting somewhat of an understanding of the basics of how Backbone is organized and how it can help with your JavaScript-robust applications. I’ve read numerous tutorials and hadn’t quite gotten the picture. They were either outdated, too bloated, or not enough. I’ll attempt at helping to clarify the basics in this tutorial and perhaps write more advanced topics later.

    Some immediate things-to-consider from my approach sofar:

    • I’m not using require.js, which I know a lot of front-enders depend on
    • I’m relying on Yeoman’s Backbone Generator which saves an enormous amount of leg work for getting the structure of your application ready. If you haven’t tried Yeoman yet, give it a go. It’s super great for getting projects off the ground.
    • Basically, what got me to this point was a combination of reading Addy Osmani’s Backbone tutorials and this tutorial which uses Yeoman to speed up the process.

    Let’s dive in. First, we’ll look at our main.js file.

    The init method immediately calls upon a view from our Todos colllection. In views/todos-view.js, our view defines most of the logic for interacting with our app, but we will frequently call on various methods defined in the Collection that it renders.

        'use strict';
        window.backboneApp = {
            Models: {},
            Collections: {},
            Views: {},
            Routers: {},
            init: function () {
                console.log('Hello from Backbone!');
                new this.Views.TodosView({
                    collection: new this.Collections.TodosCollection()
        $(document).ready(function () {

    For example, after completing the bare necessities of a Todo app, I wanted to add a Clean button that will clear all checked off items on the Todo Collection.

    We’ll start by modifying our todos.ejs template and adding a ‘Clean’ button.


    We’ll now jump to our parent view, todos-view.js and add an event listener for our Clean button:

    events: {
        'click #clear-completed': 'clearCompleted'
    // Clear all completed todo items, destroying their models
    clearCompleted: function() {
        _.invoke(this.collection.completed(), 'destroy');
        return false;

    The clearCompleted method uses Underscore’s invoke method to get a list of the completed items and then use Backbone’s native destroy method to not only remove them from the view, but delete their models as well. The list of completed items is obtained from the collection’s completed method:

    backboneApp.Collections.TodosCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        completed: function() {
          return this.filter(function(todo){
            return todo.get('completed');

    We’re using Backbone’s other native method, get, to obtain a list of models that have the completed attribute. Opening our todo-model.js file, we see that our model defaults to ‘false’. The ‘toggle’ method toggles this attribute. Backbone keeps track of these ‘states’ for each model.

        'use strict';
        backboneApp.Models.TodoModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
            defaults: {
                title: '',
                completed: false
            toggle: function() {
                    completed: !this.get('completed')